My Busd Crops Farmer Results I invested 400 Busd

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  • Post last modified:July 5, 2024

Busd crops farmer is a miner on binance smart chain which the team says gives you up to 8% daily return on your investment.

I personally invested 400 Busd when it launched and so far I have to say its going good.

busd crops farmer
Busd crops farmer

The reason I like this miner is because it follows the same 6 days of compound and 1 day harvest system and it is mandatory unlike baked beans miner.

I believe Crops farmer is one of the most sustainable project you can find as of now due to its 10 times mandatory compound feature which I have been following since my investment.

I invested on the 19th of april 2022 and it has been about one and half months.

Where am I with Busd Crops Farmer?

As of today 26th May 2022 I have withdrawn 364.41 Busd. I will be able to get my initial investment back on my next withdrawal.

The BUSD Crops Farmer 1
Busd crops farmer user interface
  • My initial investment was 400 Busd.
  • Taken out 364.41 Busd.
  • Total compounded is 3250.33 Busd.

I will keep on following with this and see what the coming months bring me. I am sure I will be able to profit on this project unlike baked beans miner.

The crops farmer team has also since launched on FTM, USDC, BNB and will launch a BUSD yield farm (2-3.5% daily ROI).

If you want to join throught my referral link you will make my day. Thank you